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Veera Vartiainen (VV-Machine) is a digital designer and an artist focusing on the fun side of internet and next step in creation. VV-Machine is can produce diverse concept and visual designs that correlate with the customer’s needs and tickle their sense of aestetics and vision. On top of her work as a digital designer she does variety of different art and creative projects from digital art to repurposed statues. Her experience in both fields has enabled her to use creativity for design while being fully aware of the distinction between the two intertwining their elements when necessary.

Her work, in both design and art, is greatly influenced by her travels over the past decade. She has built a solid professional ground whilst on road and her travels has made a mark on her work. The realisations that occur while observing and reflecting on other cultures has made her more aware of hidden attitudes and beliefs that dictate our actions. Stereotypes, world views, and cultures are a starting point in many of her art pieces and her work often explores the hidden that lingers beneath the surface.

Vector Meditation Vector Art on Repurposed Surfaces

2016 - ongoing

The scalable and modular art series "Vector Meditation" is a vector based surreal imagery. The series expands from high quality vector art prints (600dpi), on museum-quality paper or resin-coated and mounted by hand on repurposed surfaces, to lasercut design, animation, vinyl printing and street art.

Artist Statement

Vector Meditation delves into the organic aspects of technological creation, expressed through imagery. It begins with surreal visualizations that evolve into vector doodles, simulating awakened daydreaming. These are then printed, branded, pasted, stenciled, or painted on repurposed or locally produced surfaces. The intuitive digitalization process mixes various forms, textures, and surfaces, creating layers of detail that invite personal interpretation.

VV-machine’s work highlights the clash of opposites like entropy and harmony, order and disorder, calm and chaos. The series challenges the unified rational discourse, embracing psychedelic aesthetics to reveal the spiritual connections within the complex network of reality. Each image aims to transcend the physical realm, showcasing the underlying energy of all living entities.

Through experimenting with colors and merging analogue with digital techniques, VV-machine extends the lifespan of images, allowing them to continuously transform and find new surfaces. This method embraces replication and simulation, creating a seamless transfer of art.

Ultimately, these artworks reflect VV-machine’s personal associations and invite viewers to explore the shared human experience, fostering relaxed emotional, physical, and cognitive interactions with the world.

Forever isn't Endless After All


The continuation of endless beginnings.

Forever Isn't Endless After All digital art


VV-machine Forever Isn't Endless After All vector


VV-machine Forever Isn't Endless After All original sketch



Reality comes in three parts - that which was, which is, and which will be.

VV-machine Tripolarity digital art


VV-machine Tripolarity vector


VV-machine Tripolarity original sketch



A reflection does not see itself.

Eaglelity digital art


VV-machine Infinitive vector


VV-machine Infinitive original sketch



When the elephant in the room wouldn't go hiding.

Originating digital art


VV-machine Originating vector


VV-machine Originating original drawing



Happy are those who have overcome their inner eagles.

Eaglelity digital art


VV-machine Eaglelity vector


VV-machine Eaglelity original sketch

Totemic Ambidextral Alien

Two Handed Totem Kosmos Festival 2013

Ever reforming and and exchangeable Totemic Ambidextral Alien is a totemic structure created based on imagery of Vector Meditation, and had it's first display at Spacetime stage of Kosmos Festival 2023. Repurposed plywood pieces are hand coated and mounted with Ecopoxy resin. This modular piece is designed to be hanged in site-specific manner, and works two-sided or as one-sided. Totem of Two Hands has been also exhibited in Kunsthaus Jägermeister 2023, Yö Galleria and Galleria Saltbodan.

Kosmos Festival 2023

Two sided installation around a pole holding a projector.

Kunsthaus Jägermeister 2023

Two sided installation hanging from the roof.

Totemic Ambidextral Alien Galleria Kunsthaus Jägermeister
Totemic Ambidextral Alien Galleria Kunsthaus Jägermeister

Yö Galleria 2023

One sided, dolphin inspired, installation for a white gallery wall.

Totemic Ambidextral Alien Yö Galleria

Galleria Saltbodan 2023

One sided installation for traditional finnish barnhouse turned in to a gallery.

Totemic Ambidextral Alien Galleria Saltbodan

Different formats this far

Globe art point Window decal VV-machine
  • 1. Minimum 600 dpi vector art prints hand resined & mounted on custom shaped plywood. Plywood is repurposed and resin is high in bio-content.

  • 2.Lasercut artwork

  • 3.Upcycled clothing

  • 4.Window installations with decals

  • 5.Street art (“Poormans NFT”)

  • 6.Fineart-prints

  • 7.Stencils and screen print

Globe art point Window decal VV-machine
Vector Meditation Lasercut
Vector Meditation Upcycle


Forever isn't endless after all (1st edition)

Yö Fest 3 (Yö Galleria) 2023, 152 cm x 120cm

Forever isn't endless after all (1st edition)

Forever isn't endless after all (2nd edition)

Kunsthaus Jägermeister 2023, 81cm x 64cm

Forever isn't endless after all (2nd edition)

Tripolarity (1st Edition)

Kunsthaus Jägermeister 2023, 130cm x 100cm

Tripolarity (1st edition)

Eaglelity (1st Edition)

Rumarstrand, 75cm x 75cm

Eaglelity (1st edition)

Originating (1st edition)

Galleria Saltbodan, 80cm x 85cm

Eaglelity (1st edition)

Project supported by: Taike

Portal of Datanomes Festival Installation with lasercutting and natural pigments

Portal of Datanomes Solstice 2024

VV-machine was invited by Kunsthaus Jägermeister to create festival installation for Solstice Festival 2024

"Portal of Dataomes" delves into the non-genetic information we carry and its profound connection to the world around us. This installation offers a meditative journey, seamlessly bridging the earthly and the extraterrestrial. By inviting introspection on the symbiotic relationship between humanity, technology, and nature, it creates a contemplative space where viewers can explore the interconnectedness of all existence.

Thank you for not Toxic Wasting Sculpture out of Locally Recycled Materials

Thank You For Not Toxic Wasting recycled sculpture Jesse Paananen Photography

Photo by Jesse Paananen

S.A.V (Street Art Vantaa) invited VV-machine to be a part of Myyrmäen Katutaidetriannaali 2021 Street Art Festival organised in Myyrmäki Vantaa. The new event will be held once in every three years and the first editions theme was the temporary existance of street art and ecological methods of creating it.

Thank You For Not Toxic Wasting is created out of cigarette stumps of Myyrmäki. Cigarette butts are one of the most littered items in the world and a main source of sea and ocean pollution. Being a fairly easy change of habit to not throw it on the ground after smoking or to pick up someone elses cigarette butt, Thank You For Not Toxic Wasting is politely reminding people to do so.

"If every single one of us would collect up to ten cigarette butts a day, how many days would it take to have none?""


Yö fest 3

Photo by Tomas Orlowicz.

Thank You For Not Toxic Wasting recycled sculpture in  Yö fest 3 Tomas Orlowicz Photography

Kunsthaus Jägermeister 2023

Photo by Kunsthaus Jägermeister.

Thank You For Not Toxic Wasting recycled sculpture Jesse Paananen Photography

Kontula Electronic X Stoa Stage Design & Production: Monoliths of Stoa

Kontula Electronic x Stoa Runopiiri

Culture House of Stoa invited Kontula Electronic to organise an event for alternative electronic music and performances at their location in Itäkeskus at 16.12.2023. Four different stages held different local and humouristic themes derived from the culture of Kontula Mall, East Helsinki and current electronical/online underground culture.

The Miami Mopo stage was designed together with Börje Hiltunen and Jani Hietanen (Visumanni) (VJ Visumanni. The Stage design honoured the sculpture 'Stoa' by Hannu Siren and the Monolith Phenomenon in december 2020.

Visualisation by Visumanni

Visumanni created visulisations with Touch Designer.

Visio Festival Charcoal Portraits

  • Portrait drawing
  • Charcoal
  • Hand drawn charcoal portraits of dj's and musicians for Visio Festival 2022. The artwork was used as festival décor and in social media advertising. Charcoal was chosen as the drawing medium in order to honour the festival venues history in the industrial age.

Visio Festival 2022 Charcoal portrait of Cool DJ Pinball by VV-machine Visio Festival 2022 Charcoal portrait of LTJ Bukem by VV-machine Visio Festival 2022 Charcoal portrait of LTJ Bukem by VV-machine Visio Festival 2022 Charcoal portrait of LTJ Bukem by VV-machine

Break Them All Visualisation and consept for Private Function

Visualization was created for a private function for a record label in Barcelona. The event was a celebration for the new release of the label so the visual look was designed the music in mind. The concept was about the changing faces of hard core, unconventional existing, and having a blast in the dark. The character created for the project worked as a shuttle to some serious freedom and fun. The black or the black and white sticker was designed with a space in the middle for a hand written phone number. The sticker doubled as an entrance ticket and a lottery ticket.


VV-machine flyer design troll

Charachter was desinged in co-operation with clients

Animated loop for Projection

VV-machine animated loop indigenous masks masks

The animated loop was created using Adobe After Effects and Photoshop and free stock imagery of indigenous masks.

Lottery ticket for a rally

VV-machine sticker design

One coloured version of the character for printed stickers.

Story Maps Australia Animation, Concept and Graphic Design


Shaman Creative received money for R&D from the Prime Minister‘s cabinet of Australia for designing a digital narration of Indigenous Australian Dreamtime worldview.

A User Interface was built for the project and an overall graphic look was designed for the Story Maps. In addition to the visual look, a brand identity was planned based on Modular Logo Concept combined with traditional Australian Indigenous Cartography and Symbology. The project also involved designing creating a narrative interactive 2D animation concept. Cartographic Design was made using Mapbox API.

Animation with After Effects

Story Maps Australia Rainbow Serpent animation

Rainbow serpent, a life giving deity, is a common motif amongst Astralian Indigenous art. The story of the Rainbow serpent is essential amongst the Australian Aboriginal peoples and is important in the Dreamtime worldview. The serpent is viewed as a giver of life but is also a destructive force once angered.

Story Maps Australia Flora and Fauna animation

Indigenous Australian spirituality is totemic where a plant or an animal can act as a spiritual emblem. A big part of that spirituality is a connection to nature and the connectedness between the past, present, and future which creates a system that is used for navigation, health care, and nutrition.

Story Maps Australia Elder animation

The Dreamtime worldview is manifested in everyday life through sacred and ancient places and tools that are known to Indigenous Australian peoples through generations. These places and tools are a fundamental part of the Dreamtime worldview. The man in the middle of the map represents an elder, or a sort of shaman, that is highly respected in the community and represents the flow of knowledge that passes through generations.

Graphical look

Story Maps Australia Logo

Modular Logo

The logo for the Story Maps Australia –project combines feet symbol with a modern speech bubble. The design is meant to communicate between the new and the old world view.


Story Maps Australia Icon Eat
Story Maps Australia Icon Sleep
Story Maps Australia Icon Experience
Story Maps Australia Icon Today
Story Maps Australia Icon Geology
Story Maps Australia Icon Dreaming
Story Maps Australia Fauna
Story Maps Australia Spirituality
Story Maps Australia Colonialisation
Story Maps Australia Culture
Story Maps Australia Purchase
Story Maps Australia Piece

The Iconography is based on Indigenous Australian Symbology and Cartography. Hand drawn style of the Icons is to bring them closer to sand art, wood carving, cave painting and other traditional forms of Indigenous Australian Art.

Map Design with Mapbox Studio

Map Topography is created with Mapbox API, a JavaScript library for vector maps on the web.

Map Markers based on the Modular Logo

Story Maps Map Marker indigenous art
Story Maps Map Marker Smiley
Story Maps Map Marker Kangaroo
Story Maps Map Marker Flower
Story Maps Map Marker Symbol
Story Maps Map Marker Text

Modularity of the Logo allows to create custom Map Markers in a form a speech bubble. The content of a Map Marker can be a photo, a symbol or text.

Seam Studios Lottie Animation, Visual Concept and Graphic Guidelines

Seam Project Studios is a creative digital agency based in Barcelona. When joining the company in 2019 VV-Machine planned a visual concept design for the company and designed its graphic guidelines. The work included a 2D animation that was done with Lottie framework, which creates lightweight scalable Vector Animation based on JSON with After Effects. Graphic Concept and Logo Design was done within the guidelines of the company’s desired look in mind. The theme for this work was narrowed down to three clear concepts: clean glitch, retro tech, and futuristic. Prototyping was created using Figma.

Lottie Animation: Write in Glitch

Companys slogan written in glitch with grey gradient background. Used as a intro of a website.

Motion Graphics Concept: Clean Glitch

The Motion Graphics Concept is Clean Glitch, which can be also used as still graphic. With different shapes and colours the glitches can be used in a infographic sense.

Visual Concept and Graphic Guidelines

Seam Studios Logo Seam Studios Logo White

Logotype + Logomark

The starting point for the Logo was the letter S, which combines together Space Anarchist Zine - culture and clean and appropriate looking Sans Serif font. The contrast of the two is strong and creates the unique look of the logo.


Lato Regular + Black Typescale1.33 (Perfect Fourth) Example text: Based in Barcelona, we provide digital solutions for organisations, companies and individuals. We involve our clients at all stages of the process so there are no surprises or hidden costs, everything is upfront and honest.



Jaadoo Design Wordpress with Woocommerce & Digital Brand Development for Artist

Jaadoo Design is a unique Festival wear fashion brand based on upcycled materials and dead stock, and the designer also paints and creates wearable art-accessories. The website, brand identity and graphical assets is designed and drawn together with Jaadoo Design creator. Website Maintanance (including manuals), Graphic Design and Content creation workshops were composed to make the client as independent as possible. Graphical material was produced to be utilized also in the clothing production.

Wordpress and Woocommerce

Woocommerce and Storefront-theme was chosen for easy and cheap maintanance costs. The ecommerce was build with artistic creation in mind and per customer's wishes there are many possible product-types and categories, which can be hidden or displayed according current needs.

Jaadoo Design Logo

Logo with a Cat Skull

Cat Skull with particular flowers and mushrooms drawn according to the clients model.

Jaadoo Design Logo Black and white Jaadoo Design Logo

Seamless Shipibo pattern

Seamless pattern drawn according the traditional Shipibo pattern of indigenous Amazonian culture.

Jaadoo Design Digital Pattern

Typography & Colours


Cardo Typescale:1.55 Example text: Categories: Clothes, Women
Tags: bohemian dress, boho style, casual chic, fastival fashion, gypsy style, hand-made, sustainable fashion, tribal, unique clothing



Storybook of Franklinford Custom Wordpress Theme, Interactive animation and Visual Design


Storybook of Franklinford is web based Flipbook developed with Wordpress. The project involved developing the frontend, creating the required 2D animations and designing the graphics with traditional press style combined with Storybook's magic.

Animated Flipbook Wordpress Theme with Candlelight

The Animated interface was constructed as Custom Wordpress Theme. The Flipbook Interactive Animation is developed with CSS3 transitions and jQuery.

2d Write in Animation with After Effects

The website’s intro, a Write-In Typografic Animation, is created with After Effects. The animated stars and bling brings magic and vividness to otherwise quite traditional typeface.

Storybook of Franklinford Typography Write in Animation Motion Graphics

Loading animation

Storybook of Franklinford Loading Animation Motion Graphics

Visual Design

Storybook of Franklinford has a comprehensive graphical concept, logo design, icons, drop caps, and text captions.

Starstruck Logo

Typografic Logo combines the font Starstruck with magical twirls/cluster of stars.

Storybook of Franklinford Logo Colours Graphic Design Storybook of Franklinford Logo White Graphic Design

Antique Icons

Iconography of Storybook Franklinford is traditional and displays modern concepts like email, mp3 or video with antique versions and traditional symbology.

Storybook of Franklinford Icon Heart Iconography Storybook of Franklinford Icon Film Iconography Storybook of Franklinford  Icon Music Iconography Storybook of Franklinford Icon Mail Iconography


Different medievel styled colourful Dropcap start every chapter.

Storybook of Franklinford Dropcap I Typography Storybook of Franklinford Dropcap X Typography Storybook of Franklinford Dropcap O Typography Storybook of Franklinford Dropcap U Typography Storybook of Franklinford Dropcap B Typography Storybook of Franklinford Dropcap B Typography


(Lyrics by Las Ketchup)

Scalable Caption Boxes designed to match with the Colourful Dropcaps.

Frontend development

Accessible and mobile-friendly frontend development for Content Managment system (CMS) for employment offices.

Walmu frontend Uusi ehdotus Walmu frontend Walmu frontend

Brand Illustrations

Creating a scalable, colorful, easy to approach and positive-vibed vector based brand illustrations with a theme: Data in a society.

Walmu icon Etusivu
Walmu icon Etusivu
Walmu icon Etusivu
Walmu icon Etusivu


Icons for accessibility and usability of the web app

Walmu icon Etusivu
Walmu icon Kieli
Walmu icon Käyttäjä
Walmu icon Salasana
Walmu icon Info
Walmu icon Asetukset
Walmu icon Ilmoitukset
Walmu icon Takaisin
Walmu icon Tiedotus
Walmu icon Tulosta
Walmu icon Työkalut
Walmu icon Poista
Walmu icon Muokkaa
Walmu icon Tallenna
Walmu icon Henkilöt
Walmu icon Henkilökansio
Walmu icon Haastattelut
Walmu icon Arviot
Walmu icon Lomakkeet
Walmu icon Muistio
Walmu icon Raportointi
Walmu icon Avoimet Työpaikat
Walmu icon Yritykst
Walmu icon Koulut

Web Layout

Mobile friendly Web Layout for Wordpress Elementor Theme.

Walmu icon Avoimet Työpaikat
Walmu icon Avoimet Työpaikat
Walmu icon Avoimet Työpaikat

Cadpool Course Scedules Visual Concept and Graphic Guidelines

Cadpool course schedule is the company’s course schedule for each year that is sent out to company’s partners annually. They are designed to fit and expand the company’s already existing graphic look.

Cadpool Course Schedule 2019

The theme for the visual concept was the Scandinavian sense of simplicity and minimalism combined with light and snow. The design was created with images from Autodesk Gallery.

Cadpool Course Schedule 2018-2019 print design brochure cover Cadpool Course Schedule 2018-2019 print design brochure inside

Cadpool Course Schedule 2016

The theme for the visual concept was inspired by the aesthetics of circuit boards, blueprints and gadgets.

Cadpool Course Schedule 2016-2017 print design brochure cover Cadpool Course Schedule 2016-2017 print design brochure inside

Gourmet Goons Animated 2.5D Short


Animated 2.5D short that was created for an opening of a travel cooking show in Australia. The short was based on still photos of the cooking show and created as a 2.5D animation using After Effect.

Animation, Logo and Icon Design

Abyss (2020)

Abyss logo design Abyss logo design white

Suomusaundi (2022)

Suomusoundi logo

Kontula Electronic (2022)

Kontula Electronic 2022 loading

Bass Indicates (2023)

Bass Indicates logo

Kaupunkikeidas (2017)

Kaupunkikeidas icons

Steemit (2015)

Steemit logo Steemit logo white

Dawn (2016)

Dawn logo design

Kiventures (2014)

The Wait (2016)

The Wait Character Animation